Let the bankruptcy laws help get you out of money trouble. If you are experiencing problems with credit card debts, medical bills, foreclosure, wage garnishment, auto repossession, or any other oppressive debt, then call us to schedule your FREE, confidential, and comprehensive consultation with an attorney.
We can help you by phone, video, and office appointments.
Let's talk! (916) 714-5050
Wolff & Wolff Attorneys at Law
Personal & Business Bankruptcy Attorneys
Meet Mark & Ruby
A dynamic husband and wife duo focused on helping you get a fresh, debt-free, start in life.
Benefits of Filing for Bankruptcy Can Include:
- Stop annoying collection calls
- Eliminate second mortgage
- Protect your house
- Discharge auto repo deficiency
- Prevent or stop wage garnishment
- Keep bank accounts safe
- Cancel contracts
- Discharge income taxes
- Catch up on mortgage & auto loans
- Get rid of credit card & medical bills